February 17, 2011

I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Title: I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
Author: Ally Carter
Publisher: Hyperion
Year of Publication: 2006
Reader's Rating: 3.5

In a Nutshell: Cammie Morgan has been nicknamed the "chameleon." At most schools, that's a bummer. Everyone wants to be noticed, right? But at Cammie's school, it's a gift that every student would want to possess. The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women is not your average all-girls school. Passers-by would take one look at it and think: boarding school, snotty girls, rich dads, and perfectly trimmed gardens. But that's exactly what the Academy wants them to think. Because in reality, the Gallagher Academy subsitutes social studies for Covert Operations, English for Ancient Languages, science for Protection and Enforcement, and...you get the idea. In short, the Gallagher Academy is a spy school. And it's been training Cammie for hard spy life and impossible situations ever since. But then she meets Josh, a normal everyday teenager. Sure she can hack into his computer, throw him to the sidewalk in a split-second, and speak fourteen different languages, but when it comes to this, she's totally tongue-tied. And now, it's love vs. duty, spy vs. teenager. Which will she choose?

The Good Stuff: The concept is so unique. I mean, how many books have you seen where the girl falls for the guy and becomes totally speechless around him, but also happens to be a spy? Well, you might have seen some but I haven't. It was a good book. I loved the author's way of telling the story. It was funny too, and I LOVE funny books. :)

The Not-So-Good Stuff: The genre for this book is, of course, romance so expect *dun dun dun* kissing. BOO. I suppose all YA romance books have this, but it was still a turn-off for me. I guess this wouldn't be considered a bad thing, but I strongly disagree with kissing before marriage. So there.

Reader's Say: I loved Carter's style of writing. It was so witty. The story was great but in the end my reaction was sort of like this, "Wait, what? That's it? That's what happens?" It kind of dwindled in the end but it was okay. I'm still looking forward to the sequel. :)